Anaesthesia - Information About Department

Department of Anaesthesiology

Department of Anesthesiology in PGI –YCMH one of the Postgraduate Department. It  is clinical and service department and provides anaesthtic and extra-anaesthetic services to other clinical department in the institute.


·        Delivary of anaesthesia to the patient undergoing (operations) surgeries of general surgery, orthopedic surgeries, Eye, ENT, gynaecology ,Obstretics , urology ,plastic, neurology etc.

·        Anaesthesia services out side OT like CT , MRI ,

·        Emergency services like airway management ,ventilatory support, Vascular approach in emergency casualty ward and ICU.

·        CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation

·        Pain services

Physical infrastructure

·         Department is having apart from office OPD – PAC pre anaesthesiacheck up room , Seminar room , library with books and internet access, museum etc.

·        Well equipped OTs

·        Post operative ward

·        ICU

Academic  Infrastucture

a.     Teaching Faculty

Department is PG department having Professor , Associate Professors and Assistant Professors.

b.     Library

i.                    Departmental library contains recent books pertaining Anaesthesia , critical care and pain management, basic medical sciences.

ii.                  Journals.

iii.                CDs

iv.               Internet acceass

v.                 LCD

Teaching and Research

Faculties are keen in teaching, actively participate in conferences and research activities.




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