Orthopaedics - Information About Department

Department Of Orthopaedics


Vision is to achieve the goal to offer painless, total, functional recovery to patients and serve the community.


The Department of Orthopaedics caters to a variety of orthopaedic problems and trauma services. Our competent Trauma team handles all types of trauma including complex pelvis and acetabular injuries.

We also have specialist surgeons performing Spine surgeries, Endoscopic Spine surgeries, Arthroscopic Hip Knee and Shoulder surgeries, Joint Replacement surgeries, Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeries and Deformity Correction.


There are 2 Operation Theatres dedicated to Orthopaedics. OTs has facilities for Arthroscopy, Arthroplasty, Trauma and Spinal surgery under C-Arm image intensifier control unit. One minor OT in casualty. We also have a separate Seminar Room, a Departmental Library and Clinical Room. There are 2 General Wards separately for male and female patients with 30 beds each.

© 2025 Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri, Pune 18. All Rights Reserved.

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