Research Publications



Faculty Name

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Dr.Tushar V.Patil

1.       Londhe Mangesh, Patil Tushar, Suryawanshi Kishor, et al. Spectrum of lesions in leprosy with clinicohistopathological correlation- a study of three years in tertiary care hospital - Papirex - Indian Journal of Research, 2020;9(12), 62-64, DOI : 10.36106

2.       Londhe Mangesh, Patil Tushar, Suryawanshi  Kishor, Digraskar Grishma. Unusual Presentation of Echinococcosis Causing Diagnostic Dilemma by Mimicking Neoplasm Clinically: A Case Series: JCDR 2021;10(2), PS01-PS03, DOI: 10.7860/NJLM/2021/46766:2468

3.       Meena Sonawane, Abhay Jagtap, Anand Torat, Tushar Patil. CYSTATIN- C OVER SERUM CREATININE AS AN EARLY STAGE BIOMARKER FOR ESTIMATION OF E GFR IN VARIOUS RENAL DISORDERS, ijsr, April-2020; 9(4)DOI : 10.36106/

4.       Hemraj Narkhede, Mahesh Asalkar, Suryakant  Mundload, Vipulchandra Y, Tushar V. Patil Vertical Transmission of SARS CoV-2 o Newborn in Pregnancy: A Cross-sectional study, Journal of Soyt Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume X, Issue X (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX), Pg 1-6

5.       Butti, R., Nimma, R., Patil Tushar, Kundu G. et al.Tumor-derived osteopontin drives the resident fibroblast to myofibroblast differentiation through Twist1 to promote breast cancer progression, Oncogene 40, 2021;Pg. 2002–2017

6.       Tushar V. Patil, Anita Chaudhari. Cytopathological study of major salivary gland in relation with clinical correlations. Indian Journal of basic and applied medical research 2018;7(3):80-82

7.       Tushar V. Patil, Anita Chaudhari. Histopathological study of thyroid gland and its clinical implications. Indian Journal of basic and applied medical research 2018;7(3):83-85

8.       Patil Tushar, Badhe Pallavi. Study of Cytomorphological analysis of palpable breast lumps by FNAC in a tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of applied research.2019, 9(1):274-275

9.       Patil Tushar, Badhe Pallavi. Utility of Fine needle aspiration cytology as a screening tool in   diagnosis of tuberculous mastitis.Global journal for research analysis 2018,7(12): 157-58

10.    Ashwin V. Khandarea, Deepali Bobadea, Mangesh Devala, Tushar Patil, Expression of Negative Immune Regulatory Molecules, Pro-inflammatory Chemokine and Cytokines in Neuro-Immunopathology of ECM Developing Mice, Journal: ActaTropica, 172 (2017), 58-63

11.    Jaydeokar AV, Bandawane DD, Bibave KH, Patil TV. Hepatoprotective potential of Cassia auriculata roots on ethanol and antitubercular drug-induced hepatotoxicity in experimental models, J Invest Dermatol. 2016 Dec;136(12):2462-2474. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2016.07.024. Epub 2016 Jul 29

12.    GC5 Notch1-MAPK Signaling Axis Regulates CD133+ Cancer Stem Cell-Mediated Melanoma Growth  and Angiogenesis Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2016;136, Pg.2462-2474;doi:10.1016/j.jid.2016.07.024



Dr.Kishor H.Suryawanshi

1.       Suryawanshi KH, Dravid NV, Damle RP et. al. Evaluation of pattern of cervical cytology in a tertiary care hospital - a four years study. Int J Health Sci Res. 2013;3(7):29-36.

2.       Damle RP,Dravid NV ,Suryawanshi KH et. al. Clinicopathological Spectrum of Endometrial Changes in Peri-menopausal and Post-menopausal Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: A 2 Years Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2013 Dec, Vol-7(12): 2774-2776.

3.       Suryawanshi KH. Damle RP. Dravid NV, Tayde Yogesh. Spectrum Of FNAC In Palpable Head And Neck Lesions In A Tertiary Care Hospital In India- A 3 Years Study. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology January – March 2015;2(1):7-13

4.       Mujawar P,Nikumbh DB,Suryawanshi KH,Pagare PS,Surana Akshay. Helicobacter pylori Associated Gastritis in Northern Maharashtra, India: A Histopathological Study of Gastric Mucosal Biopsies. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015 Jun,;Vol-9(6): EC04-EC06

5.       Suryawanshi KH, Damle RP, Nikumbh DB, Dravid NV, Newadkar DV. Cyto-Histopathological Correlations of Head and Neck Swellings In A Rural Hospital In North Maharashtra: Our Experience. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine  2015 October – December; Vol. 02(4),:121-126

6.       Histopathological Spectrum of Unusual Breast Lesions: A Seven Year Retrospective Review . Nikumbh DB, Kanthikar SN,Suryawanshi KH ,et al. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, July-September 2016;3(3);456-462.

7.       Damle RP,Suryawanshi KH,Dravid NV,Kumbhar R,Gadre AS.Spectrum of Endometrial Hyperplasia in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: A Descriptive Study in Tertiary Care Hospital Over 2 Years. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice May - August 2016; 5(2):171-176.

8.       Damle RP, Suryawanshi KH,Dravid NV,Newadkar DV,Deore PN. A Descriptive Study of Histopathological Patterns of Lymph Node Biopsies In A Tertiary Care Hospital Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, March - April, 2017;4(2):131-36.

9.       Suryawanshi KH, Damle RP,Dravid NV,Patil Rawandale A, Surana A. Histomorphological Analysis of Lesions In Nephrectomy Specimens: A 4 Years Study In A Rural Hospital In India-Our Experience .Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, May-June, 2017; Vol. 4(3):230-35.

10.    Londhe MM,Patil TV,Suryawanshi KH. Unusual Presentation of Echinococcosis Causing Diagnostic Dilemma by Mimicking Neoplasm Clinically: A Case Series. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2021 Apr, Vol-10(2): PS01-PS03

11.    Londhe MM, Patil TV,Suryawanshi KH, Londhe AM.Spectrum Of Lesions In Leprosy With Clinicohistopathological CorelationaL Study Of Three Years In Tertiary Care Hospital. PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH December - 2020 ; 9(12): 62-64.

12.    Kanthikar SN, Dravid NV, Deore PN, Nikumbh DB, Suryawanshi KH. Clinico-Histopathological Analysis of Neoplastic and Non-Neoplastic Lesions of the Ovary: A 3-Year Prospective Study in Dhule, North Maharashtra, India Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Aug, Vol-8(8): 4-7



Dr.Minal Panchal

1.       Cytomorphological spectrum of childhood tuberculous lymphadenitis

       Indian Journal Of Pathology Research And Practice-Feb. 2018 , Vol.7  , Issue No. 2 : 241-


2.       Histopathological study of MLC and Autopsy cases in our hospital- Dr. SCGMC, Nanded -

 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology –April-June 2019 , Vol 12  , Number 2  ; 106-112.

3.       Clinicopathological study of skin adnexal tumors - IOSR-JDMS ,July 2021 Vol.20, Issue 7, ser 4 : PP 34-43





Dr Amit Swamy,


1.       Comparative study between dynamic hip screw & proximal femoral nail in treatment of intertrochanteric fracture


2.       Study of functional outcome of total elbow replacement using semi-constrained elbow prosthesis in non inflamatory elbow arthritis


3.       Functional Outcome of Discectomy for Lumbar Disc Prolapse


4.       Treatment of displaced lateral clavicular fractures with hook plate, a retrospective review













Dr Ritesh Pathak

Associate Professor

1.       Management of unstable intertrochanteric fractures in the elderly: Osteosynthesis vs hemiarthroplasty


2.       Evaluation of volar locking plate fixation for management of intraarticular fractures of distal end of radius


3.       Comparative study between interlocking nail and V-nail in management of fracture shaft tibia


4.       Shaft Humerus Fractures Treated with Interlocking Nails Vs Dynamic Compression Plate - A Comparative Study












Dr Jeevan Tonde

Associate Professor


1.       Comparison between functional outcome of arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using single bundle six fold and four fold semitendinosus and gracilis graft

2.       Management of fracture calcaneum by reconstruction locking plate







Dr Vivek Patole

Associate Professor

1.       A prospective study of surgical management of fractures around ankle joint. Nat J Clin Orthop 2018;2(3):95-99


2.       Limb reconstruction system as a primary and definitive mode of fixation in open fractures of long bones. Int J Res Orthop 2017;3:167-71.


3.       Lateral end clavicle fracture at a tertiary level hospital in India.Int J Res Orthop2018;4:909-12











Dr Gazanfar Patel

Assistant Professor

1.       A study of Clinical and functional outcome of primary total hip replacement in osteoarthritis of hip Indian  Journal  of  Orthopaedics Surgery  2017;3(3):245-251


2.       Changes  of  Bone  Mineral  Density  Following  Total  Knee Arthroplasty International  Journal  Dental  and  Medical  Sciences  Research Volume  3, Issue  4, JulyAug 2021 pp 113-119


3.       A  study  of  functional  outcome  of  fracture  both  bones  forearm  in adults treated  with  locking  compression plate , IOSR  Journal  of  Dental  and  Medical  Sciences  (IOSR-JDMS) Volume  20,  Issue  7  Ser.9 July 2021












General Medicine

Dr. Pravin Soni


1.       Efficacy and safety of Pegylated interferon-α2b in moderate COVID-19:

a phase 3, randomized, comparator-controlled, open-label study, International Journal Of Infectious Diseases, 111(2021) 281-287 Date 19August 2021

2.       Study of anemia in geriatric population: a hospital-based study in Marathwada region, Maharashtra, India International Journal of Advances in Medicine 2016 May;3(2): 197-199

3.       Serum electrolyte changes in senile cataract patients at tertiary care teaching hospital in Marathwada region, Maharashtra, India International Journal of Advances in Medicine 2016 May;3(2): 287-290

4.       The study of cutaneous manifestations associated with diabetes mellitus International Journal of Advances in Medicine 2016 May;3(2): 296-303

5.       Comparative study of blood parameters among widal positive and negative cases of enteric fever in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Maharashtra, India International Journal of Advances in Medicine

2016 May;3(2): 368-371













Dr. Niranjan Pathak


1.       Reduced Daptomycin Susceptibility in Clinical MRSA Isolates Showing

Vancomycin MIC Creep Phenomenon, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research., Vol-15(7), 2021 Jul. Pg.19-21

2.       Evaluation Of Vancomycin Mic Creep Phenomenon In MRSA Isolates From Clinical Samples, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research

Vol. 11, Issue, 03 (B), March, 2020, Pg. 37797-37800







Dr. Narendra Kale


1.       Effect of Life Style on Body Mass Index in Urban and Rural Student

Population, Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Research, 2019 JMSCR Vol||07||Issue||01|| ||January Page 460-466

2.       A clinico pathological evaluation of soft tissue tumors in tertiary care centre, Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology,2019, 2019 Volume: 6, Issue: 4, Page: 652-657

3.       Histological Spectrum of Benign SoftTissue Neoplasm in a Tertiary Care Center, Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal, Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal | Volume 10 | Issue 3 | May-June 2021 Page-108-11Published: 21-Jul-2021








Dr.Datta  Jude

1.       Study of Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with COVID-19 infection at a tertiary hospital, MedPulse International Journal of Medicine, Volume 19, Issue 3, September 2021 pp 87-90 



Dr Nitin wathore

1.       Study of correlation between ECG, 2D echo and coronary angiographic features in patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus with ischemic heart disease, MedPulse - International Journal of Medicine, Volume 18, Issue 3, June 2021 pp87-92  

2.       Study of Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with COVID-19 infection at a tertiary hospital, MedPulse International Journal of Medicine, Volume 19, Issue 3, September 2021 pp 87-90 









General Surgery

Dr. Balaji Dhaigude

1.       Mortality as a Post-Operative complication in Emergency Laparotomies in Diabetics patients, Journal Name: Indian Journal of Research, vol .5, Issue-3, March 2016. Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Shama Shaikh et al.

2.       A Comparative Study of Open v/s laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6 , Issue-4, April 2016, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Vidhyasagar Chaturvedi et al.

3.       Therapeutic Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in chronic abdominal pain:  Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6 , Issue-4, April 2016, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Abhishek Bhushan et al.

4.       Study of Sociodemographic study of gallbladder disease at tertiary health care Centre: MedPulse international journal of surgery, July 2017: 3(1), 4-6, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr.Prithviraj Patil

5.       Bacteriological Spectrum & Antibiogram of cholelithiasis: MedPulse international journal of surgery, July 2017: 3(1), 7-11, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr.Prithviraj Patil

6.       Comparative Evaluation of Sublay Versus onlay meshplasty incisional and Ventral hernias :International  surgery journal, Jan 2018: 5(1), 187-192, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr.Anish Sugunan et al.

7.       Post Operative wound complication following emergency and elective abdominal surgeries:  International  surgery journal, Jan 2018: 5(1), 1-5, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr.Priti Shah et al.

8.       A Comparative Study of Early Post Operative Cardiovascular complication in emergency laparotomies in Diabetic Patients, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-6, Issue-11, Nov 2017, 171-172,  Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Aditya Ghatanekar.

9.       Correlation of Colonoscopy & Histopathological Diagnosis in patients presenting with Pathologies of Large Intestine, MedPulse international journal of surgery, Nov 2018:8(2), 40-43, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Aditya Patil Et al

10.    Diagnostic Evaluation By colonoscopy in Patients presenting with bleeding per rectum, MedPulse international journal of surgery, Nov 2018: 8(2), 34-36, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Aditya Patil Et al

11.    Study of Preoperative Clinical  risk factors to predict lower extremity amputations, MedPulse international journal of surgery, Dec 2018: 8(3), 76-79, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Parth Patel Et al.

12.    A Comparative study of Lichtenstein Mesh Hernioplasty vs modified bassini’s repair along with tanner’s slide, MedPulse international journal of surgery, March  2019: 9(3), 172-175, Authors Name: Dr. S.V. Panchbhai, Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, et al.

13.    Cost Effectiveness of  Lichtenstein Mesh Hernioplasty vs modified bassini’s repair: A Comparative Study, MedPulse international journal of surgery, March  2019: 9(3), 185-187, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Prabhat Nichkaode et al.

14.    A Comparative study of different surgical procedures in the management of primary Vaginal Hydrocele, New Indian Journal of surgery, Vol 10, Issue-2, March-April 2019, Authors Name- Dr. Omkar Shirke, Dr. Balaji Dhaigude.



Dr. Sanjay Padale

1.       Clinical study and Management of incisional Hernia: A Prospective observational study in Urban Population, Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research; Surgical Specialty, Issue- Sept. 2018 (7)4, Page 20-23, Dr. Sanjay Padale, Dr. Kanchan Waykule, Dr. Mahendra Wante.

2.       A study Management of Asymptomatic Hernia in YCM Hospital, Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research; Surgical Specialty, Accepted on 22/10/2018. Dr. Sanjay Padale

3.       Comparative Study of Open Appendectomy vs Lap. Appendectomy, SAS Journal of Surgery, Vol-4, Issue-10, Oct 2018. Dr. Sanjay Padale, Dr. Harshal Sonawane, Dr. Ravi Bhaskar.




Dr. Anand Zingade

1.       Role of Radioisotope Scanning (DMSA and DTPA) in Diagnosis & Management of Pediatrics Urology Cases, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-3, Issue-5, May 2013, Dr. Anand Zingade, Dr. Manish Kumar.

2.       Nasolabial Flap Reconstruction in Oral Cavity Cancer Defects,   Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-6, Issue-2, Feb 2016, Dr. Hemant Lekawale, Dr. Anand Zingade

3.       Management of Neck in Oral Squamous cell Carcinoma, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-3, Issue-5, May 2013, Ol-3, Issue-6, June 2013. Dr. Shool Rohit S., Dr. Anand Zingade, Dr. Manish Kumar.

4.       Three-port Vs Four Port Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A Comparative Study at a Teaching Hospital of Western Maharashtra. Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research, Vol-7, Issue-7, July 2019, 762-765, Dr. Anand Zingade, Dr. Harshal Tambe.



Dr. Santosh Thorat

1.       Factors Affecting Outcome in the Management of Peptic Perforation. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research. 2016;4(2):9067-9071, Thorat.S


2.       A prospective study of calorimetric estimation of blood loss in TURP cases. Int J surg Orthopaedics 2016;2(3):42-48,Kirde D , Thorat Santosh, Mishra S., Dube V.S



Dr. Kanchan Waykole

1.       Clinical study and Management of incisional Hernia: A Prospective observational study in Urban Population, Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research; Surgical Specialty, Issue- Sept. 2018 (7)4, Page 20-23, Dr. Sanjay Padale, Dr. Kanchan Waykule, Dr. Mahendra Wante.





Dr. Deepak Patil

1.       Laparoscopic versus open management of duodenal perforation: a comparative study at al District General Hospital Prz Gastroenterol 2013; 8 (5): 315–319 DOI:




Dr. Harshwardhan Gawade

1.       Cysticercosis of Anterior Abdominal Wall. Internatioal Journal of Scientific Research. 2017;6(12):400-401. Chandan A, Singh G, Pathak A, Gawade H.

2.       Duodenal Tuberculosis Mmicking Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome. International Surgery Journal. 2016 Nov;3(4):2358-2361. Gawade H, Singh G, Ali I, Patil A, Chandan A.

3.       A Comparative Study of Lichenstein Tension Free Hernioplasty With Prolene Hernia System Hernioplasty for Inguinal Hernia. International Surgery Journal. 2019 Oct;6(10):3581-3585. Chavan S, Gawade H, Shah B, Kandarappa A, Panchbha S.





Dr. Mahesh Asalkar


1.       Prevalence of Maternal Mortality and study of maternal deaths in COVID 19 Pneumonia- A Cross Sectional StudyJournal of Obstet Gynecol India (2021)

2.       Vertical Transmission of SARS-COV-2 to Newborn in COVID-19 Infected Mothers- A cross Sectional Study Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist  (2021): 10.5005/jp-journals-10006-1917

3.       Study of perinatal outcome in twin gestation in rural referral hospital in Maharashtra (India): a cross sectional study Published in the International Journal of Reproduction,  Contraception, Obstetrics & Gynaecology October 2017, DOI: 10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20175028

4.       Review of Causes of Stillbirths in a Rural Referral Hospital: A Cross Sectional Study August 2018 International Journal of reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics  & Gynaecology DOI : 10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20183779

5.       Review article: challenges in prevention and management of STI & RTI  in Indian scenario August 2017, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research DOI :10.20959/wjpr20178-9177

























Dr. Kunaal K. Shinde


1.       The efficacy of cervical encirclage on course of labour in well selected cases: a prospective study at a tertiary care hospital International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynaecology2017; 6(8):1-5

2.       Factors Influencing the likelihood of Vacuum Delivery Success International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2017;6(8)

3.       Intrauterine fetal demise: a retrospective study in tertiary care center in India International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynaecology  2018;7(8)

4.       Sociodemographic determinants of medical termination of pregnancy along with contraceptive practices International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2018;7(8)

5.       A study of obstetric acute renal injury International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2018;7(7)

6.       Hysteroscopy: a boon in abnormal uterine bleeding

                   International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception,       

                 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2019;8(6)

































Dr. Hemraj Narkhede


1.       Mhatre PN, Narkhede HR, Pawar PA, Mhatre PJ, Kumar DD. Role of progenitor cell producing normal vagina by metaplasia in laparoscopic peritoneal vaginoplasty. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2016 Oct-Dec;9(4):215-222. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.197629. PMID: 28216908; PMCID: PMC5296824.

2.       Potdar O, Narkhede HR, Satoskar PR. Perinatal Outcome After Intrauterine Transfusion in Rh Isoimmunized Mothers. J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2019 Apr;69(2):123-128. doi: 10.1007/s13224-018-1108-6. Epub 2018 Apr 2. PMID: 30956465; PMCID: PMC6430274.

3.       Satoskar P, Singh A, Narkhede H. A Study to Assess the Association between Umbilical Cord Coiling Index and Perinatal Outcomes. J South Asian Feder Obst Gynae 2019;11(4):243–245.

4.       Balsarkar, G., Narkhede, H.R. & Nadkani, T. Prospective Observational Study of Comparison Between Direct and High-Pressure Primary Trocar Entry in Gynaecological Laparoscopy in Teaching Hospital. J Obstet Gynecol India 71, 615–620 (2021).

5.       Narkhede HH, Patel RD, Narkhede HR. A prospective observational study of predictors of difficult intubation in Indian patients. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2019 Jan-Mar;35(1):119-123.doi: 10.4103/joacp. JOACP_269_17. PMID: 31057253; PMCID: PMC6495626.

6.       Narkhede H, Asalkar MR, Munload S, Vipulachandra Y, Patil TV. Vertical Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to Newborns in COVID-19 Infected Mothers: A Cross-sectional Study. J South Asian Feder Obs Gynae 2021; 13 (4):230-235.

7.       Jayshri Wakpnjar, Hemraj R Narkhede, Amol P Pawar, Pravin N Mhatre. Evaluation of association of abnormal umbilical cord coiling and perinatal outcome. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research 2016;3(11):3305-3309.

8.       PADVI, Namrata V. et al. Prolactin level in umbilical cord blood of newborn and its relation to respiratory distress syndrome. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 433-438, jan. 2017



















































Dr. Smita Thakkarwad


1.       A retrospective comparison of various stress urinary incontinence surgery with their outcome in a tertiary care teaching institute

2.       The Incidence of Inherited Malformations And Its Alliance With Consanguineous Marriages In A Tribal Medical College Sncu, Rims, Adilabad

3.       Mortality profile and outcome analysis in level two SNCU in tribal medical college district Adilabad Telangana

4.       Profile of under-five malnourished children admitted in a tribal medical college (RIMS) Adilabad, Telangana

5.       Prevalence of maternal mortality & clinical course of maternal death in COVID-19 Pneumonia -cross sectional study























Dr. Anand Karale


1.       Anand Karale, Kunaal K. Shinde, Hemant Damle. Intrauterine fetal demise: a retrospective study in tertiary care center in India. IJRCOG. August 2018;07:3069-3073.

2.       Anand Karale, Kunaal K. Shinde, Neelesh Risbud. Sociodemographic determinants of medical termination of pregnancy along with contraceptive practices IJRCOG. August 2018;07:3034-3038.

3.       Kunaal K. Shinde, Anand Karale, Gulabsingh Shekhawat. Factors influencing the likelihood of vacuum delivery success. IJRCOG .september 2018;06:3818--3822.

4.       Kunaal K. Shinde*, Anand V. Karale, Gulabsingh Shekhawat, Hiralal Shivale. The efficacy of cervical encerclage on the course of labour in well selected cases: a prospective study at a tertiary care hospital. IJRCOG.August 2017;06:3319--3323.

5.       Parag M. Hangekar, Anand Karale, Neelesh Risbud. Our experience of nifedipine as a tocolytic agent in preterm labor (24 weeks to 36 weeks 6 days). IJRCOG.february 2017;06:636-639.

























Dr. Mangal Supe


1.       Post partum IUCD insertion: prospective study of 130 cases JEMDS; eISSN-2278-4802;pISSN-2278-4748

2.       Ectopic : the overrated danger JEMDS; eISSN-2278-4802; pISSN-2278-4748

3.       Eclampsia : a study in tertiary care centre International journal of clinical obstetrics and gynaecology ISSN2522-6614 Vol5/issue1/jan feb 2021/401-404

4.       A prospective Analytical Study of Patients with Dysfunctional Uterine  bleeding International Journal for Research Analysis ISSNNo.2277-8160;Vol-10/Issue-5/May2021















Dr. Vaibhav Khairnar

1.       Cytological and cultural evaluation of abnormal vaginal discharge in Pregnancy and its co-relation with maternal and neonatal outcome International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Khairnar VS et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Feb;9(2)





Dr Aniket Lathi- Professor

1.       Roy A , Lathi A. Technique and results of cartilage shield tympanoplasty. Pravara Medical Review. 2017;9:3.

2.       Seema Soni, Kaustubh Kahane,Aniket Lathi. Hearing Evaluation in high-risk neonates at tertiary care teaching hospital. MedPulse International Journal of Pediatrics, Print ISSN: 2579-0897, Online ISSN: 2636-4662, Volume 18, Issue 2, May 2021 pp 24-26









Dr Aditya Yeolekar

Associate Professor

1.       Yeolekar A,  Qadri H.The Learning Curve in Surgical Practice and Its Applicability to Rhinoplasty. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery 2018;70 (1):38-42.

2.       Yeolekar AM,  Rokade V.Sino-Nasal Outcome Test-22: Translation, Cross-cultural Adaptation, and Validation in Local Language. Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery,2018: 26 (1): 10-15.

3.       Yeolekar AM,  Shinde KJ,  Qadri H. Innovative Use of Google Cardboard in Clinical Examination of Patients of Vertigo. Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat . 2019; 12: 1179550619882012.

4.       A Yeolekar,Learning Curve and SeptorhinoplastyTextbook Chapter.Contemporary Rhinoplasty, Intech Open .2019:

5.       H Qadri, DZ Andrabi, SV Nemade, KJ Shinde, C Naik, A Yeolekar. Medical Graduate’s Basic Knowledge and Clinical Skills Assessment in Otorhinolaryngology Post Internship.Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery,2019; 71 (1):162-166.

6.       Yeolekar A, Bhalerao S,  Bhalerao M. The New Normal of ENT OPD: Adapting Safe Practices.Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery,.2020;9:1-7.

7.        KJS, Yeolekar A, Sancheti P. Tympanolith under the Protiniculum- A Case Report

Scholarly Journal of Otolaryngology. 2020;5 (1).


8.       Yeolekar AM, Yeolekar ME, Current Perspective: Vertigo in the Elderly. Gerontology & Geriatrics: Research, Gerontol Geriatr Res.2021; 7(1):1-4.

9.       Kiran J Shinde Tulasi Karanth Aditya M Yeolekar. Otoneurological presentations of COVID-19. BMJ Case Rep.2021 Sep 13;14(9):e241893.














































Dr Kaustubh Kahane

Assistant Professor

1.       Santosh B Mane, Sagarika S. Satav Kaustubh J Kahane, Ashish Adsule,Parmanand Chawan. Eagle syndrome- An underdiagnosed diagnosis. IP Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Allied Science 2020;3(2):57–62.

2.       Kaustubh J. Kahane, Siddhartha Shrivastava et al. A Rare Tumor of the Nasal Cavity: Hemangiopericytoma. International Journal of Recent Surgical and Medical Sciences

3.       Dr Santosh B.Mane,Dr. Prakash R Kulkarni  Dr Siddhartha S. Shrivastava, Kaustubh Kahane. A prospective study of microscopic thyroidectomy. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; Otorhinolaryngology Special Issue. March 2020: Vol.-9, Issue- 2. P. 49 - 55.

4.       Seema Soni, Kaustubh Kahane,Aniket Lathi. Hearing Evaluation in high-risk neonates at tertiary care teaching hospital. MedPulse International Journal of Pediatrics, Print ISSN: 2579-0897, Online ISSN: 2636-4662, Volume 18, Issue 2, May 2021 pp 24-26























Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy (DVL)

Dr Nachiket Palaskar


1.       A Study of Epidemiology Clinical features & Co- Morbities in Psoriasis: Nachiket Palaskar, Pralhad R. Rathod; Med Pulse International Journal of Medicine, Nov 2018, Vol- 8(2);102-105

2.       A Study of Dermatological Manifestations of Obesity in a tertiary care centre,: Pralhad R. Rathod ,Nachiket Palaskar; Med Pulse International Journal of Medicine, Sept 2018, Vol- 7(3);105-108

3.       A clinico-epidemiological profile of patients presenting with nail disorders; International Journal of Scientific Research; Volume -7, Issue-12, December-2018: 41-44.

4.       Resurgence of leprosy in post elimination era; Swapna Subhash Khatu, Nachiket Madhukarrao Palaskar, Garima Laxminarayan Balpande, Nitin Dinkar Chaudhari;

International Journal of Research in Dermatology; 2019 Nov;5(4):743-750.

5.       A randomized trial of 5% minoxidil versus combination 5% minoxidil and oral spironolactone in treatment of female pattern hair loss; Nachiket Madhukarrao Palaskar, Nitin Dinkar Chaudhari, Garima Laxminarayan Balpande, Swapna Subhash Khatu; International Journal of Research in Dermatology; 2019 Nov;5(4):743-750.

6.       Atopic Dermatitis and its Correlation with Eosinophil Count and Serum IgE Levels – A Case Control Study; Walawalkar International Journal of Medicine; Volume No 7, Issue No 2, 2020; 87-94.

7.       Epidemiological, Clinical and Mycological Profile of Dermatophytic Infections: A Cross-Sectional Study in Tertiary Care Hospital; Walawalkar International  Journal of Medicine; Volume No 8, Issue No 1, 2021; 09-17.




Respiratory Medicine

Dr. Deepali R.


1.        Dr. D. R. Gaikwad, Dr. S. S. Gaikwad, Dr. Snigdha Thakur; Treatment Outcome of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis; International Journal of Recent Scientific Research  Volume- 8, Issue -3,pp.15809-812, March 2017 ISSN No  0976-3031

2.       Dr. D. R. Gaikwad ; USG Abdomen Findings in Superficial TB Lymphadenitis; International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume- 5, Issue- 5, pp.21309-21312, May 2017 ISSN No  e-2347-176X p- 2455-0450

3.       Dr. D. R. Gaikwad; Chest X-Ray Findings in Patients of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis; International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research Volume -2,Issue-5,pp.05-08, September 2017 ISSN No e-2458-868X p-2458-8687

4.        Dr. D. R. Gaikwad; Analysis of Bronchoscopic Findings in patients Diagnosed with Malignancies; International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Sciences Volume- 03, Issue -03, pp.1825-1830. March 2018 ISSN No e-2455-8737 p-2455-9341

5.       Dr. D. R. Gaikwad; Adverse Drug Reactions in Patients with First line Anti Tuberculosis Treatment; Indian Journal Of Basic and Applied Medical Research               Volume- 10,Issue -04, pp. 82-90. September 2021  ISSN No e-2250-284X p-2250-2858

6.       Dr. D. R. Gaikwad, Dr. S. S. Gaikwad; COPD in Non-smoker Women with Biomass Fuel Exposure (Chulha) - A Review Article; International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Sciences Volume- 02 Issue- 04 April2017 ISSN No e-2455-8737 p-2455-9341



















Dr. Rakesh R. Waghmare

1.       Dr. Rakesh Digambar Waghmare, Dr. N. N. Ramraje, Dr. Priti Meshram; Primary Drug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Tertiary Care Center; Global Journal for research analysis Volume-5, Issue-5, May – 2016 • ISSN No 2277 –8160 .

2.       Dr Rakesh Digambar Waghmare, Dr Nisha S Nair, Dr. Rahul M Lokhande, Dr. Sushat H. Meshram: Association of severity of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with body mass index and neck circumference; PARIPEX- Indian Journal of Research; Volume:6, Issue:2, Feb 2017. ISSN - 2250-1991.

3.       Dr Rakesh Digambar Waghmare, Dr Rakhi Ashok Gosavi : Empyema thoracis : A Clinical study of 15 cases in tertiary care center ; Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research volume 05,issue 11, Nov 17, page 30886-30889.













Dr. Rupali Maheshgauri

1.       Doulatramani M, Magdum R, Maheshgauri R, Paranjpe R. Assessment of safety of retropupillary iris-claw intraocular lens as a viable option in surgical aphakia. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2021;14:297-302

2.       Motwani D, Maheshgauri R, Bakare P, Bhavsar D, Kaul S, Singh C, Comparison of visual acuity in primary and secondary iris claw implantation in western Maharashtra. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2021;7(2):442-447

3.       Thakre A , Maheshgauri R, Aggarwal M, Mantri P, Naik A, Role of impression cytology in ocular surface disorders. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2020;6(1):42-47

4.       SaurabhAshtamkar1,Rupali Maheshgauri1, Bansari Vadodaria1,* DivyaMotwani1, Aakriti Sharma  Dept. of   Ophthalmology, Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pun   Maharashtra, India, Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2020;6(1):138–144 Content available at:

5.       Rupali Maheshgauri , Priya Vijay  Visual Acuity of School Age Children in Selected Schools of Pimpri Chinchwad Metropolitan Corporation: A Cross Sectional Study MS. Journal of dental research & review vol 7 supplement 1 2020

6.       Dr. Sonali pote, Dr.Rupali Maheshgauri, Dr. R. Magdum, Dr.Gira Raniga A Comparative Study of Endothelial Cell Loss in Trabeculectomy with Combined Small Incision Cataract Surgery, Trabeculectomy Procedure and Temporal Small Incision Cataract    Surgery Alone. Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology   2018;4(2) 197-203

7.       Vadodaria1,AishwariyaThakre1,RupaliMaheshgauri1,*,DivyaMotwani1, AshishMishra1 1Dept. Ophthalmology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune,       Maharashtra, India IP International Journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty 2019;5(4):205–216

8.       Maheshgaori R, Apte P, Bhavsar D, Bramhabhatt G, Bakre P, Computer vision syndrome: Are medical students exempted from it?. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2018;4(2):93-100




Dr. Prachi Bakare

1.       Dharmadhikari S, Bakare PN, Deshpande M, Hegade A, Kesari A. Study on barriers causing delay in cataract surgery of bilateral cataract blind at a tertiary eye care center in urban India. J Clin Ophthalmol Res 2017;5:69-72

2.       Maheshgaori R, Apte P, Bhavsar D, Bramhabhatt G, Bakre P, Computer vision syndrome: Are medical students exempted from it?. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2018;4(2):93-100

3.       Apte P, Bakare P , Doulatramani M , Motwani D, Trabeculectomy with releasable sutures in primary glaucoma: A comparative study with the conventional technique. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2019;5(2):149-154

4.       Motwani D, Maheshgauri R, Bakare P, Bhavsar D, Kaul S, Singh C, Comparison of visual acuity in primary and secondary iris claw implantation in western Maharashtra. Indian J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2021;7(2):442-447




Dr. Mahaesh Thikekar

1.       Mahesh Thikekar,U.s Mohite,Chandresh nandwana  Study of presentation& management outcome in patients with Lens induced Glaucoma.,Medpulse international journal of ophthalmology.vol  5. Issue 2018

2.       Mahesh Thikekar,Chandresh nandwana,K.veena, Fredrick Mouttapa, Anjali Khadia Double elevator palsy-complexities& outcomes.vol 5(2)  issue 1 22018






Dr. Deepali Ambike

1.       Bhavari V, Ambike D, Pawar N. Study of morbidity pattern and outcome of patients admitted in paediatric intensive care unit in a tertiary care rural teaching hospital. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics. 2019;6(5):2064.

2.       Chaturvedi S, Tillu G, Kale A, Pendse A, Kulkarni A, Ambike D et al. Protocol for Infant Massage in Home Settings: An e-Delphi Approach for Consensus Guidance Integrating Traditional Wisdom with Modern Medicine. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 2021;67(3).

3.       Ambike D, Haribhakta S, Soni S, Mundlod S, Sayyad R, Bijraniya K. Symptomatic neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection in a tertiary care teaching hospital: an observational prospective study. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics. 2021;8(7):1200.

4.        Phadke M, Menon P, Ambike D, Deshpande A, Nair R. Clinical picture of Covid 19 in Indian Children, Rarity of Covid Toes or Hands. British Journal of Medical and Health Research. 2021;8(5):1-6.

5.        Ambike D. A prospective review of maternal and perinatal outcome in a tertiary care rural teaching hospital. MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology. 2021;18(2):19-23.











Dr. Sandhya Haribhakata

1.       Deepali A., Sandhya H*, Seema S, Suryakant M, Rijwana S, Komal B

Symptomatic neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection in a tertiary care teaching   hospital: an observational prospective study:. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2021 Jul;8(7):1200-1203

2.       Deepali A., Sandhya H,Subhash  P,Aishwarya P, Jyotsana N, Severe and   moderate acute  malnutrition detection in a rural hospital paediatric outpatient clinic and there comparison with the IAP :a two year study, Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2021 JAN 5A(110 -113

3.       Soni, S., Haribhakta, S., Ambike, D. and Rathod, V., 2021. Case series of megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin 12 deficiency in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Indian journal of applied research, pp.31-33.

4.       Deepali A., Sandhya H,Simran R,Bacterial Isolates in NICU- A rural prospective,Indian Journal of Neonatal medicine and research,2019 july,Vol-7(3)P009-p013.









Dr. Rajesh Kulkarni

1.       Shalini GN, Deshmukh I, Kulkarni R, Kinikar A. Epidemiological and clinical profile of non COVID 19 patients admitted to pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary care referral centre during Covid 19 pandemic. Indian J Appl Res [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2021 Dec 15];11 Issue 9

2.       Varvatte B, Rajput U, Sonkawade N, Kulkarni R, Dawre R, Kiruthiga A, et al. Clinical profile, hospital course and outcome of pediatric patients with COVID 19 during second wave admitted to a tertiary care center in western.

3.       Kulkarni R, Rajput U, Dawre R, Sonkawade N, Pawar S, Sonteke S, et al. Severe malnutrition and anemia are associated with severe COVID in infants. J Trop Pediatr [Internet]. 2021;67(1).

4.       Sonkawade N, Kinikar A, Kulkarni R, Valvi C, Rajput U, Dawre R, et al. Knowledge, attitude, and practices among police force toward covid-19 pandemic during Lockdown in Pune, India - An Online cross-sectional survey. Med j Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2021 Dec 15];14(3):327.

5.       Kulkarni R, Kinikar A, Jadhav T. Adverse drug reaction profile of prophylactic hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 among doctors. Med j Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2021 Dec 15];13(3):204.

6.       Asha PT, Kulkarni R, Kinikar A, Rajput U, Valvi C, et al. Profile of ventilator associated pneumonia in children admitted to pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary care center in India. Pediatr Rev Int J Pediatr Res [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2021 Dec 15];6(4):171–6.

7.       Sule A, Kulkarni R, Kinikar A, Valvi C, Rajput U, Dawre R. Anaemia in HIV infected HAART naïve and HAART exposed children. Int J Contemp Pediatr [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2021 Dec 15];5(5):1962.


























Dr. Seema Soni

1.       Une, L., Soni S. The spectrum of aeroallergen sensitization in children with wheeze at a tertiary care centre -A prospective observational study. 2021; MedPulse International Journal of Pediatrics, 17(3), pp.44-48.

2.       Soni, S., 2021. Hearing Evaluation in high-risk neonates at tertiary care teaching hospital. MedPulse International Journal of Pediatrics, 18(2), pp.24-26.

3.       Soni, S., Haribhakta, S., Ambike, D. and Rathod, V., 2021. Case series of megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin 12 deficiency in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Indian journal of applied research, pp.31-33.

4.       Ambike, D., Haribhakta, S., Soni, S., Mundlod, S.,et al, 2021. Symptomatic neonatal SARS-CoV-2 infection in a tertiary care teaching hospital: an observational prospective study. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 8(7), p.1200.

5.       Soni S, Kher A.. July 2017. Urodynamic study in enuretic children. MedPulse International Journal of Pediatrics.; 3(1): 16-22.

6.       Soni S, Une L. 2017 Role of serum zinc level in simple febrile seizures: A hospital based study from rural area of Maharashtra. MedPulse International Journal of Pediatrics. August; 3(2): 36-38.













Dr. Suryakant Mundlod

1.        Mundlod S, Thakkarwad S. A retrospective comparison of various stress urinary incontinence surgery with there outcome in a tertiary care teaching institute. Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research. 2020;7(1):81-87.


3.       Thakkarwad S, Mundlod S. Mortality profile and out come analysis in level two SNCU in tribal medical college district Adilabad Telangana. IP International Journal of Medical Paediatrics and Oncology. 2020;5(4):125-128.

4.       Munload S, Thakkarwad S. Profile of under-five malnourished children admitted in a tribal medical college (RIMS) Adilabad, Telangana. IP International Journal of Medical Paediatrics and Oncology. 2020;5(4):129-137.

5.        Narkhede H, Asalkar M, Munload S. Vertical Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to Newborns in COVID-19 Infected Mothers: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2021;13(4):230-235.

6.       Mundlod SS, Ambike DA, Ahmed S, Byale A. Clinical and demographic profile of pediatric COVID-19 in a tertiary care teaching Hospital. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2021;14:134-6













Dr Vinay Patil


1.       Suryavanshi AR, Gajare SM, Patil VK, Bodhgire SB, Agaldare PB. Clinical and Laboratory Profile of Children Presenting With Seizure in A Tertiary Care Hospital: An Observational Cross Section Study. Int. J. Heal. Clin. Res. [Internet]. 2020Dec.31 [cited 2021Dec.16];3(12(S):129-32. Available from:





Dr. Jaishree Petkar

1.       Dipti D. Mulay, Jaishree M. Petkar,Jyoti Iravane.Effect of Structured training program on Nursing staff regarding awareness about Biomedical waste management in Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal of Current Microbiology & Applied Sciences.2019; 8(7):682-688.

2.       Jaishree M. Petkar, Charan Kaur Dardi. Prevalence of Nasal carriage of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus among health care workers in a Tertiary Care Teaching  Hospital in Maharashtra,India. International Journal of Current Microbiology & Applied Sciences.2019; 8(6):1430-1435.

3.       Dardi Charan Kaur1, Dr Jaishree Petkar. Carbapenem resistance among Escherichia Coli in a tertiary care rural hospital. International Journal of Medical and Health research.2019; 5(5):1-5.

4.       Dardi Charan Kaur , Jaishreee S Puri.Study of micro-organisms and their antimicrobial susceptibility pattern on mobile phones of health care workers from a tertiary care rural hospital. Advances in Biomedicine & Pharmacy. 2015;2(6):267-273.

5.       Dardi Charan Kaur, Jaishreee S Puri, Sandhya S kulkarni, Anjali Jayawant.Prevalence Of Ampc Β-Lactamases In Clinical Isolates Of E. Coli From A Tertiary Care Rural Hospital International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.2015;7(6):165-168.

6.       Jaishree Puri , S. L. Nilekar. Intestinal Parasitic Infections among HIV/AIDS Patients with Diarrhoea at Rural Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital Of Maharashtra.National Journal Of Integrated Research In Medicine.2014;5(5):35-37.

7.       Jaishree Puri , S. L. Nilekar Comparison of stool concentration methods for detection of prevalence of enteroparasitic infection in rural tertiary care teaching hospital of MaharashtraIndian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research.2014;3(4):158-162.

8.       Jaishree S. Puri, Sandhya Kulkarni, Anjali Jaywant, A.S. Khare. Prevalence of Extended Spectrum –Lactamases In E.coli and Klebsiella spp. in a Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal of Current Microbiology & Applied Sciences .2014;3(10):474-478.

















Dr. Swati Mudshingkar

1.       Meghna Palewar , Swati Mudshingkar , Vaishali Dohe , Anju Kagal , Rajesh Karyakarte. Recent

Trends in Bacteriological profile of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTIs) in

outdoor, Indoor and Critical Care settings of a tertiary care Centre in Pune. Indian J of

Basic and Applied Medical Research; March 2021: 10 (2):261-269.

2.       Athira Jayaram, Khushboo Sareen, Ashwini dedwal, Sushma Pednekar, Sunil Bhamare, Swati Mudshingkar, Rajesh Karyakarte. Mycological Profile of Respiratory Tract Samples in a Tertiary Care Hospital from Western India. International J of Health Sciences and Research.Aug 2021;11(8):1-5 doi;

3.       Ashwini Dedwal, Swati Mudshingkar,Sunil Bhamare, Rajesh Karyakarte. Phaeohyphomycosis: Clinical, Epidemiological and Mycological Profile in a tertiary care hospital in western Maharashtra. Indian J of Basic and Applied Medical Research. December 2020: 10 (1):208-214

4.       Meghna Palewar , Swati Mudshingkar , Vaishali Dohe , Anju Kagal , Rajesh Karyakarte.Bacteriological Profile and Antibiogram of Blood culture isolates from a tertiary Care Hospital of Western India. Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University 2020;15:261-265

5.       Swati Mudshingkar , Meghna Palewar , Vaishali Kongre , Anju Kagal , Renu Bhardwaj, Rajesh Karyakarte. Trends in Epidemiology, Susceptibility Pattern and Serotypes of Salmonellae at a Tertiary Care Hospital, India: An Eight-Year Study (2011 – 2018). Journal of Advances in Microbiology. 2019; 18(1): 1-6,

6.       Archana Chintaman Choure , Vaishali B. Dohe , Swati S. Mudshingkar , Meghana S. Palewar and Renu R. Bhardwaj. Multidrug Resistant Bacteria in Pediatric Patients: ATherapeutic Nightmare. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(10): 2392-2396

7.       Meghna Palewar, Swati Mudshingkar, Vaishali Dohe, Renu Bhardwaj.Infections by multi drug resistant Chrysobacterium indolegens in cases of obstructive uropathy –Case series and short Review. Medical Journal of Dr D.Y. Patil University;july-aug 2017:10(4)

8.       Apte Niharika, Mudshingkar Swati, Bharadwaj renu. Bacteriological examination of drinking water after purification by different methods. Int J of Recent Scientific Research. Aug 2017;8(8): 19667-19670

9.       Meghna Palewar, Swati Mudshingkar, Vaishali Dohe and Renu Bharadwaj. Spectrum and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Uropathogens: Indoor Versus Outdoor  Isolates; Int J of Tropical Dis Health, 27(1): 1-7, 2017

10.    Mudshingkar Swati, Balsubramanium Usha, Palewar Meghna, Kongre Vaishali, Bhardwaj renu. Comparison of BD phoenix automated system with conventional methods for identification and susceptibility testing of common bacteria. Int J of Scientific research. Sept 2017;6(9):252-255

11.    Mudshingkar Swati, Pol Sae, Desai Shailaja, Kongre Vaishali, Bhardwaj Renu. Emergence of VRE in CVTS ICU: An active surveillance and molecular analysis. Global Journal of Research analysis. Sept 2017;6(9):19-21

12.     Mudshingkar Swati, Sonawane Shweta, Kongre Vaishali, Bhardwaj Renu, Khadse Sandhya. An Outbreak of Acinetobacter baumanii sepsis in a Neonatal Intensive Care unit. Indian Journal of Applied Research ;Volume - 7 | Issue - 8 | August – 2017: 657- 658

13.    Swati S Mudshingkar, Renu S Bhardwaj, Amarsing G Rajput. Evaluation of three rapid serological tests as screening tests for diagnosis of syphilis. Paripex - indian journal of research volume-6 | issue-8 | august-2017: 143-144

14.    Mudshingkar Swati, Nataraj Gita, Baveja Sujata, Jijina Farah,and Mehta Preeti.Microbial etiology of febrile neutropenia. Indian J of Haematology and Blood transfusion.2010 Jun;26(2):49-55 citation 22

15.    SS Mudshingkar, AC Choure, MS Palewar, VB Dohe, AS Kagal. Ochrobactrum anthropi- an unusual pathogen- Are we missing them? Indian J. of Medical Microbiology. 2013 July; 31 (3): 306-308

16.    Mudshingkar Swati1, Palewar Meghna2, Dohe Vaishali3, Bhardwaj Renu4. Trends in aetiology and susceptibility pattern of bacterial pathogens from bloodstream infections at a tertiary care teaching hospital in western maharashtra- a 4-year analysis J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sciences. Vol. 6/ Issue 70/ Aug. 31, 2017: 4991-4995

17.    Archana Chintaman Choure, Meghna Satish Palewar, Vaishali Babanrao Dohe, Swati Shankarrao Mudshingkar, K Madhuri, Renu Satish Bharadwaj. Subconjunctival dirofilariasis caused by Dirofilaria repens: A case report with short review.IJPM.2015;5893):332-334

18.    S.S. Mudshingkar, M. Palewar,V. Dohe,R.S. Bharadwaj.Blood stream infections: Changing trends in etiology and susceptibility pattern.IJID online.April 2016 (vol 45,suppl1) pg-106.

19.    Mudshingkar SS. Dohe VB, Bharadwaj RS. Amp-C beta lactamases at a tertiary care centre.Medical Journal of western India.2012. vol 40(1):38-42

20.    Anasua Deb, Swati Mudshingkar, Vaishali Dohe, Renu Bharadwaj. .Bacteriology of body fluids with an evaluation of enrichment technique to increase culture – positivity.Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences.Dec2014;3(72):15230-15238

21.    Swati S. Mudshingkar,  Ashwini K.Dedwal, . Meghna S. Palewar, . Vaishali B. Dohe, . Anju S. Kagal, Dr Renu S.Bhardwaj. Cefepime-tazobactum , a promising beta lactum –beta lactamase inhibitor combination against multidrug resistant gram negative bacteria.International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research. April 2014; Volume: 2(3): 69-72

22.    Palewar MS, Choure AC, Mudshingkar S, Dohe V, Kagal A, Bhardwaj R, Jaiswal A, Sarkar B. Typing and Antibiogram of Vibrio cholerae Isolates from a Tertiary Care Hospital in Pune: A 3 Year Study.J Glob Infect Dis. 2015 Jan-Mar;7(1):35-6.



Dr. Sachin Deorukhkar

1.     Sachin C. Deorukhkar, Santosh Saini, "Medical Device-Associated Candida Infections in a Rural Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of India", Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, vol. 2016, Article ID 1854673, 5 pages, 2016.

2.     Deorukhkar, S.C.; Saini, S. Why Candida species have emerged as important nosocomial pathogens? Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Appl. Sci. 2016, 5, 533–545. [

3.     Deorukhkar S, Saini S .Echinocandin susceptibility profile of fluconazole resistant Candida species isolated from blood stream infections. Infectious Disorder and Drug Targets 2016; 16(1):63-68.

4.     Deorukhkar SC, Saini S, Raytekar NA, Sebastian MD (2016) Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Candida Infections in Intensive Care Unit Patients. J Clin Microbiol Biochem Technol. 2016; 2(1): 015- 017.

5.     Bose S, Ghosh  A Deorukhkar S. (2016). Fungal Biofilm and Medical Device Associated Infection: It’s Formation, Diagnosis and Future Trends: A Review. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2016; 3 (1).

6.     Deorukhkar SC, Roushani S, Bhalerao D. Candidemia due to Non-Albicans Candida Species: Risk Factors, Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Profile. J Microb Path. 2017;1(101):2.

7.     Deorukhkar SC, Roushani S. Fluconazole resistance in Candida species: Ten years experience at a rural tertiary care teaching hospital in India. Journal of Infectious Diseases and Pathogenesis 2017; 1:102.

8.     Deorukhkar SC. Immunity to Candida infection: An overview. MOJ Immunology 2017;5(1): 1-4

9.     Deorukhkar, S.C. Virulence Traits Contributing to Pathogenicity of Candida Species. J. Microbiol. Exp. 20175.

10.  Vishal K, Anagha K, Deepika B, Sachin D, Shahriar R. Study of Acinetobacter Species with Special Reference to Species Differentiation and Metallo-Beta Lactamase Production in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 2017;6(9):1103-11.





Dr. Manjeet Snatre

1.       NaikA,SantreM,PanseS,SarafG,AbhivantN,Gholap S. Study of patterns and correlate of Nicotine use In relatives of patients attending Psychiatry Outpatient Department In Tertiary Care Hospital. Medical Journal of Western India 2018; volume 46 no. 2:40-44.

2.       NettoI ,Santre M,,Panse S. Attitudes towards psychiatry as a prospective career among medical interns. Telangana Journal of Psychiatry, January-June 2018; volume :4(1):34-40.

3.       PanseS,ParikhD,SantreM,Wadgaonkar G, GholapS,Raidurg K. Psychological Impact and Coping Strategies in Health‑care Workers during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic at a Dedicated Coronavirus Disease 2019 Hospital: A Cross‑Sectional Study. Indian Journal of Social PsychiatryJanuary-March 2021 | Volume 37 | Issue 1:98-104 .

4.       SantreM,PanseS,Wadgaonkar,Kumar H. Counseling patients with COVID‑19: An experience at dedicated COVID‑19 hospital. Industrial Psychiatry Journal 2021; Volume 30:S285-S287.

5.       Correlates of sexual dysfunction in male patients of alcohol dependence syndrome seeking treatment from tertiary care hospital. Indian journal of neurosciences; April-June, 2017; 3(2):50-52.


6.       Prevalence of Emotional Distress in Cancer Patients. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS). June 2014; Volume 13, Issue 6 Ver. V: PP 09-14.

7.       Prevalence of Emotional distress in caregivers of cancer patients. Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2014; 3(3):675-683.




Dr. Smita Panse

1.       Parikh D,Panse S. Quality of life in elderly bipolar disorder patients. Journal of Geriatric Mental Health 2020;Volume 6:88-93

2.       Parikh D,Panse S. Schizophrenia with Segawa Syndrome: A Therapeutic Challenge. Annals of Indian Psychiatry 2020;volume 4:84-86

3.       PanseN,Panse S, SwaminathanR,Mankar H, KaranjkarA,Sahasrabudhe P. Burnout among Plastic Surgery Residents in India: An Observational Study. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 2020;Volume:1-7

4.       KharP,PanseS,Das N. Treatment‑Resistant Schizophrenia with High‑Risk Pregnancy: Challenges in Management. Annals of Indian Psychiatry 2021;Volume 5:86-88

5.       PanseS,ParikhD,SantreM,Wadgaonkar G, GholapS,Raidurg K. Psychological Impact and Coping Strategies in Health‑care Workers during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic at a Dedicated Coronavirus Disease 2019 Hospital: A Cross‑Sectional Study. Indian Journal of SocialPsychiatry January-March 2021 | Volume 37 | Issue 1 :98-104



Dr. Saurav Vadgaonkar

1.       presenting with Catatonia. Industrial Psychiatry Journal 2021; volume 30:1-6.

2.       SantreM,PanseS,Wadgaonkar,Kumar H. Counseling patients with COVID‑19: An experience at dedicated COVID‑19 hospital. Industrial Psychiatry Journal 2021; Volume 30: S285-S287.

3.       PanseS,ParikhD,SantreM,Wadgaonkar G, GholapS,Raidurg K. Psychological Impact and Coping Strategies in Health‑care Workers during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic at a Dedicated Coronavirus Disease 2019 Hospital: A Cross‑Sectional Study. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry January-March 2021 | Volume 37 | Issue 1:98-104.

4.       WadgaonkarG,Jain M ,SurandasheP,De Sousa A. A study of Neurological Soft Signs and Minor Physical Anomalies in children of parents with Schizophrenia and those without Schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Mental Health 2018;Volume 5:217-222.





Community Medicine

Dr. Harshal Pandve

1.       Narekuli A, Raja K, Pandve, HT. Telerehabilitation in India: Points to Ponder. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy, Jul-Sep2019;13(3): 18-21

2.       Pratinidhi SA, Raje SS, Pandve HT. Learning styles and factors affecting them: A cross sectional study of medical and paramedical students from medical field. Journal of Medical Sciences Clinical Research, 2019;7(12):343-48

3.       Bala S, Pandve H, Kamala K, Dhanalakshmi A, Sarikonda H. Performance of Indian diabetic risk score as a screening tool of diabetes among women of industrial urban area. J Family Med Prim Care 2019;8:3569-73

4.       Sudha B, Archana M, Pandve HT, Biswal C, Prasanna V, Jogi S. Determinants of cardiovascular disease among urban women with psoriasis- a case control study. Indian Journal of Cardiovascular Disease in Women WINCARS 2020; 5(02): 102-108

5.       Kawale S, Giri P, Pandve HT. Clinico-socail profile of animal bite cases attending tertiary care teaching hospital in Maharashtra, India. Indian Journal of Public Health Research &Development 2020;11(7):885-90

6.       Kawale SN, Shinde MA, Pandve HT, Shinde PS. Study of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Attending Urban Health Training Centre of Community Medicine Tertiary Care Hospital, Maharashtra. Natl J Community Med, 2020;11(8):319-323

7.       Tekkam SD, Bala S, Pandve H. Consequence of phubbing on psychological distress among the youth of Hyderabad. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2020;13:642-7

8.       Bala S, Pandve H, Manna R, Sreelal B S, Patel S, Saxena T, Joy SG. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health among Indians: A posttraumatic stress disorder. Ind Psychiatry J 2020;29:251-6

9.       Arnipalli H, Bala S, Pandve H. Medication Adherence and Its Determinants among Women of Cardiovascular Disease of Tertiary Care Hospital, Hyderabad. Indian Journal of Cardiovascular Disease in Women - WINCARS 2020; 5(04): 315-321. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1708573

10.   Bala S, Bandaru R, Pandve H. Prevalence and Factors associated with sickness absenteeism among Pharmaceutical Industrial workers of Hyderabad, India. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2021; 12(1):81-86



Dr. Mukesh Bawa

1.       Bawa M, Patil S, Kinge A, Borde A.N., Medical students perception regarding the cuniculum in Community Medicine: A cross sectional study, lndian Joumal of Forensic & Community Medicine, 2018;5(1):39-43

2.       Borde AN, Rathod M, Patil S, Bawa M, Pagar V, Kinage A, Attaram S. A Cross Sectional Comparative Study of The Nutritional Status, Morbidity Profile & Personel Hygiene of School Children in Northem Maharashtra" Intemational Joumal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences,2018;18(l):81-86

3.       Bawa M,  Kinge A, Borde AN, Patil S, Gosavi S, Pagar V, Rathod M, Chavan S, Shirpurkar M. Epidemiological investigation of an acute gastroenteritis outbreak in a tribal village near Madhya Pradesh- Maharashtra border: International Joumal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2019;6(5):1-5

4.       Rathod M,  Borde AN,  Patil S,  Bawa M, Gosavi S, Pagar V, Kinge A, Chavan S.  Undemutrition & it's association with sociodemographic factors am ong pregnant women attending tertiary health care hospital in northem Maharashtra: a cross sectional study: International Joumal of Community Medicine and Public Health,2019;6(10):445



Dr. Atul Desale

1.       Banerjee A, Gaikwad B, Desale A, Jadhav SL, Rathod H, Srivastava K. Severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 seroprevalence study in Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra, India coinciding with falling trend - Do the results suggest imminent herd immunity? Indian J Public Health. 2021 Jul-Sep;65(3):256-260. doi: 10.4103/ijph.IJPH_122_21. PMID: 34558487.

2.       Banerjee, Amitav and Gaikwad, Bhargav and Desale, Atul and Jadhav, Sudhir Laxman and Rathod, Hetal and Srivastava, Kajal, Reinfection after Natural Infection with SARS-CoV-2: A Cohort Study (July 8, 2021). Available at SSRN: or

3.       Mehta CP, Desale AV, Kakrani VA, Bhawalkar JS, Economic Dependency and Depression in Elderly. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2016;5(1):100-109

4.       Kakrani VA , Desale AV, Mehta CP. Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): A Tool for Assessment of Depression in Elderly. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2015;4(3):24-31



Dr. Pandurang Thatkar

1.       Kale S, Deshpande M, Thatkar P, Chaudhari S, Deshpande M. Study on correlation of inspiratory pulmonary function parameters with anthropometric parameters and analysis of pattern of inspiratory parameters at various age points in Indian Children. Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2021;12(3):2062-2068

2.       Kale S, Deshpande M,  Thatkar P,  Chaudhari S, Deshpande M. Study of inspiratory lung function parameters in Indian children. Int J Res Med Sci. 2021 Jun;9(6):1709-1715

3.       Thatkar PV, Tonde JP, Dase RK, Pawar DD,  Chidambaram R. Assessment of Correlation between Smartphone Addiction, Social Anxiety, and Self-Esteem: A Cross-Sectional Study. MGM J Med Sci  2021;8:22-8.

4.       Amonkar P, Mankar MJ, Thatkar P, Sawardekar P, Goel R, Anjenaya S.A Comparative Study of Health Status And Quality of Life Of Elderly People Living In Old Age Homes And Within Family Setup In Raigad District, Maharashtra. Indian J Community Med. 2018;43(1):10-13

5.       Rao S, Ajay Raj S, Thatkar P, Burma S. P. Trend of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis In Port Blai. National Journal Of Research In Community Medicine. 2017:6(3):

6.       Rao S ,Jahnavi  G , Burma S P, Thatkar P. A Six Year Trend In Treatment Outcomes Among Tuberculosis Patients And Its Determinants In Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Indian Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research. 2018:12(5):LC11-LC14

7.       Singh R, Dethe A, Thatkar P, Rao S, Narayanan R.A Hospital Based Study On Anemia Prevalence In Children Of An Indian Island. Int J Pediatr. 2017;5(12):6245-52

8.       More Kavita, Badade Z G, Dhar Reeta , Mukherjee S. Thatkar P. Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay in Oligospermic Infertile Men. Indian Journal of Genetics and Molecular Research. 2015;(4(1):7-10

9.       Singh R, Rao S, Thatkar P, Narayanan R. A Hospital Based Bivariate Analysis Of Nutritional Status And Its Determinants Among The Children Aged 2 To 12 Years In An Indian Island. Int J Pediatr. 2018;6(4):7501-7510

10.    Singh SS, Rao S, Thatkar PV, Raj AS. Scenario Of Malaria In Andaman And Nicobar Islands. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017:4(12);4416-9






1.       Waindeskar V, Songir S, Batra M, Gaikwad MR , Khan MA, Dubey A: Comparison of Straight Versus Flexed Back in Combined Spinal Epidural Anesthesia for Gynecological Procedure. PJSR 2015; 8 (1):34-38.

2.       Saraf S , Batra M, Dr Songir S, Dr Thakur KK, Gaikwad M To evaluate and compare analgesic effects of wound infiltration with voveron with intravenous injection in cesarean section. Int J Med Res Rev 2016;4(2):216-221. doi: 0.17511/ijmrr.2016.i02.015.

3.       Songir S, Kumar J, Saraf S, WaindeskarV, Khan P, GaikwadM, Study of the effect of intrathecal dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant in spinal anesthesia for Gynecological Surgery: Int J Med Res Rev 2016;4(4):602-607.doi:10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i04.21

4.       Waindeskar V, Khan M, Agarwal S, Gaikwad MR: Role of Dexmedetomidine as an Anesthetic Adjuvant in Laparoscopic Surgery PJSR.2015:8(2):46-50.




Dr. Jitendra Waghmare

  1. Jitendra Waghmare et al Comparison between epidural Tramadol and epidural Fentanyl for post operative analgesia, - Medpulse international journal September 2014; 1 (9) ; 566-569 - 1st Author
  2. Jitendra Waghmare et al Haemodynamic changes in Laryngoscopy with endotracheal intubation and laryngeal mask airway insertion: A comparative study in general surgery patients, - Indian journal of anaesthesia and analgesia 2018; 5(2) ; 285-289 - 1st Author
  3. Mohd Mudassir, Jitendra Waghmare et al, A comparison of Dexmeditomidine with Midazolam for sedation in elderly patients undergoing Regional anaesthesia , - Indian journal of anaesthesia and analgesia 2018; 5 (2) ; 157-163 - Corresponding Author
  4. Sudhir Bhope, Jitendra Waghmare et al,Intravenous clonidine for intraoperative hemodynamic stability during laproscopic surgeries, - Medpulse international medical journal , October 2014; 1(10) : 631-633 - 2nd Author

5.       Sudhir Bhope,Jitendra Waghmare et al,Use of low dose intravenous ketamine for paediatric anaesthesia , - Medpulse international medical journal , June 2015 ; 2 (6) ; 375-376 - 2nd Author

Mohd Mudassir,Jitendra Waghmare,A comparative study of spinal anaesthesia versus epidural anaesthesia for Inguinal hernioplasty. International Journal of medical Anesthesiology 2020;3(1);219-223 -Corresponding Author







































Dr. Manojkumar Gajbhare

1.       Neha P Kamble,  Manojkumar N.Gajbhare Efficacy of Ketamine Gargles in the Prevalence of Postoperative Sore Throat after Endotracheal Intubation.Indian Journal  of Clinical Anaesthesia,2015;2(4):251-255

2.       Manojkumar N. Gajbhare,Neha P. Kamble Comparative Study of Intrathecal Bupivacaine versus Bupivacaine with Fentanyl for Cesarean Section. Indian Journal  of Clinical Anaesthesia,2016;3(2):271-277

3.       Sumedha Mehta,Manojkumar Namdeorao Gajbhare,Neha Prabhakar Kamble Comparision of Epidural Analgesia Using 0.2%Bupivacaine and 0.2%Ropivacaine for the Management of Postoperative Pain in Major Orthopedic Surgery.Anesthesia: Essay and Researches,2018;12(2):586-591


















Dr. Harsha Narkhede

1.       HH Narkhede et al  A prospective observational study of predictors of difficult intubation in Indian patients JOACP 2019 Jan-Mar 35(1)119-123

2.       HH Narkhede et al A Cohort study of anatomical landmark-guided midline versus preprocedure ultrasound-guided midline technique of spinal anesthesia in elderly patients undergoing orthopedic surgery JOACP 2019 OCT-DEC 35(4) 522-527

3.       M Sapate,A Munde ,H Narkhede et al An innovative prop technique of mouth opening in post COVID-19 mucormycosis maxillectomy:Finding a new way with minimal effort Indian journal of Anesthesia 2021 nov 65(11)830-33















Dr. Manisha Sapate

1.       M Sapate,A Munde ,H Narkhede et al An innovative prop technique of mouth opening in post COVID-19 mucormycosis maxillectomy:Finding a new way with minimal effort Indian journal of Anesthesia 2021 nov 65(11)830-33

2.       Manisha Sapate et al Randomized double blind control study of the effect of adding Nalbuphine to spinal anesthesia for lower abdominal surgeries in elderly patients Anaesthesia,pain and intensive care 2019 Jan 145-148

3.       Manisha Sapate et al To study an compare the effect of cervical epidural anesthesia with general anesthesia in patients undergoing surgery for carcinoma breast International journal of scientific research2018 Mar 7(3) 25-27


















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