Pathology - Information About Department

Department Of Pathology


Pathology is a branch of medicine which deals with the causes, mechanism, damages caused to the organs & their fate which enriches the mind to do clinical correlations. Department of Pathology is the main pillar & backbone of Diagnostic wing in any P.G. Institute. Good interactions amongst the various departments, research developments will be increased through academic atmosphere & ultimately leads to improvement in Quality & spectrum of the services compared to existing. The broad goal of the teaching of postgraduate students in Pathology is to achieve the highest standards as far as academic teaching is concerned. To conduct various PG curricular activities with respect to MCI/MUHS guidelines.




The goal of postgraduate medical education shall be to produce competent specialist.

(i) Who shall recognize the health needs of the community and carry out professional obligation ethically and in keeping with the objectives of the national health policy;

(ii) Who shall have mastered most of the competencies, retaining to the specialty that are required to be practiced at the secondary and tertiary levels of the healthcare delivery system;

(iii) Who shall be aware of contemporary advances and developments in the discipline concerned;

(iv) Who shall have acquired a spirit of scientific inquiry and oriented to theprinciples of research methodology and epidemiology; and

(v) Who shall have acquired the basic skills in teaching of the medical andparamedical professionals;




At the end of the course a candidate must be able to-

(i) Understand and explain about the factors in causation of disease.

(ii) Understand processes involved in the gross and microscopic changes of organs and tissues and able to explain these changes.

(iii) Understand and explain the basis of evolution of clinical signs and symptoms.

(iv) Perform various procedures designated for laboratory detection of various diseases. Should be able to process and accurately interpret the representative appropriate materials/samples obtained from the patients in order to arrive at anaccurate diagnosis.

(v) Should be able to recognize and report morphological changes in cells, tissues andorgans.

(vi) Should be able to plan, perform and report specific research projects.

(vii) Should be able to perform clinical autopsy and present in the CPC meetings (Clinico PathologicalCorrelation)

(viii) Develop skills as a self-directed learner, recognize continuing education needs select and use appropriate learning resources.

(ix) Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology and epidemiology, and be able to critically analyze relevant published research literature. Develop skills in using educational methods and techniques as applicable to the teaching of medical/paramedical students, general physicians and community health workers.

(x) Function as an effective leader of a health team engaged in health care, research or training.                                                                                                                           (xi) Recognize the importance of Pathology in the context of health needs of the community and the national priorities in health section.






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