Research Publication & Academic Achievements

Research and Publications

Dr Balaji Dhaigude


1.      Mortality as a Post-Operative complication in Emergency Laparotomies in Diabetics patients, Journal Name: Indian Journal of Research, vol .5, Issue-3, March 2016. Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Shama Shaikh et al.

2.      A Comparative Study of Open v/s laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6 , Issue-4, April 2016, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Vidhyasagar Chaturvedi et al.

3.      Therapeutic Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in chronic abdominal pain:  Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6 , Issue-4, April 2016, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Abhishek Bhushan et al.

4.      Study of Sociodemographic study of gallbladder disease at tertiary health care Centre: MedPulse international journal of surgery, July 2017: 3(1), 4-6, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr.Prithviraj Patil

5.       Bacteriological Spectrum & Antibiogram of cholelithiasis: MedPulse international journal of surgery, July 2017: 3(1), 7-11, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr.Prithviraj Patil

6.      Comparative Evaluation of Sublay Versus onlay meshplasty incisional and Ventral hernias :International  surgery journal, Jan 2018: 5(1), 187-192, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr.Anish Sugunan et al.

7.      Post Operative wound complication following emergency and elective abdominal surgeries:  International  surgery journal, Jan 2018: 5(1), 1-5, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr.Priti Shah et al.

8.      A Comparative Study of Early Post Operative Cardiovascular complication in emergency laparotomies in Diabetic Patients, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-6, Issue-11, Nov 2017, 171-172,  Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Aditya Ghatanekar.

9.      Correlation of Colonoscopy & Histopathological Diagnosis in patients presenting with Pathologies of Large Intestine, MedPulse international journal of surgery, Nov 2018:8(2), 40-43, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Aditya Patil Et al

10.  Diagnostic Evaluation By colonoscopy in Patients presenting with bleeding per rectum, MedPulse international journal of surgery, Nov 2018: 8(2), 34-36, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Aditya Patil Et al

11.  Study of Preoperative Clinical  risk factors to predict lower extremity amputations, MedPulse international journal of surgery, Dec 2018: 8(3), 76-79, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Parth Patel Et al.

12.  A Comparative study of Lichtenstein Mesh Hernioplasty vs modified bassini’s repair along with tanner’s slide, MedPulse international journal of surgery, March  2019: 9(3), 172-175, Authors Name: Dr. S.V. Panchbhai, Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, et al.

13.  Cost Effectiveness of  Lichtenstein Mesh Hernioplasty vs modified bassini’s repair: A Comparative Study, MedPulse international journal of surgery, March  2019: 9(3), 185-187, Authors Name: Dr. B.D. Dhaigude, Dr. Prabhat Nichkaode et al.

14.  A Comparative study of different surgical procedures in the management of primary Vaginal Hydrocele, New Indian Journal of surgery, Vol 10, Issue-2, March-April 2019, Authors Name- Dr. Omkar Shirke, Dr. Balaji Dhaigude.



        Dr Sanjay Padale


1.        Clinical study and Management of incisional Hernia: A Prospective observational study in Urban Population, Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research; Surgical Specialty, Issue- Sept. 2018 (7)4, Page 20-23, Dr. Sanjay Padale, Dr. Kanchan Waykule, Dr. Mahendra Wante.


2.      A study Management of Asymptomatic Hernia in YCM Hospital, Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research; Surgical Specialty, Accepted on 22/10/2018. Dr. Sanjay Padale


3.      Comparative Study of Open Appendectomy vs Lap. Appendectomy, SAS Journal of Surgery, Vol-4, Issue-10, Oct 2018. Dr. Sanjay Padale, Dr. Harshal Sonawane, Dr. Ravi Bhaskar.



          Dr Avishkar Barase


1.      A study of Harmonic Scalpel assisted haemorrhoidectomy at tertiary care centre, Gobal Journal for Research Analysis, Vol-7, Issue-7, July 20189, 10-12. Dr. Avishkar Barase, Dr. Kirankumar Jadhav, Dr. Sudhir Dube.


2.      A Study of Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Rural setup, International Surgery Journal, Vol-5, Issue-9, Sept. 2018, 3111-3137, Dr. Avishkar Barase.


3.      A Comparative Study of Fistulotomy & Fistulectomy in management of simple fistula in ano, International Surgery Journal, Vol-5, Issue-11, Nov 2018, 3704-3706, Dr. Avishkar Barase, Dr. Ashok Shinde.



            Dr Prachi Kulkarni


1.      Study of Suitability of difference types of Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeries in Indian Population, Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research, Vol-7, July 2018, Dr. Prachi Kulkarni, Dr. Jidnyasa Bhate.


2.      Study of Advanced Laparoscope Beyond Cholecystectomy, Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences, Vol-7, Issue-30, July 2018, Dr. Prachi Kulkarni, Dr. Jidnyasa Bhate


3.      Comparison of Clinical & Mamographic Findings in Benign Breast Disease,  Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences, Vol-7, Issue-31, July 2018, Dr. Prachi Kulkarni, Dr. Jidnyasa Bhate




           Dr Anand Zingade


1.      Role of Radioisotope Scanning (DMSA and DTPA) in Diagnosis & Management of Pediatrics Urology Cases, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-3, Issue-5, May 2013, Dr. Anand Zingade, Dr. Manish Kumar.


2.      Nasolabial Flap Reconstruction in Oral Cavity Cancer Defects,   Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-6, Issue-2, Feb 2016, Dr. Hemant Lekawale, Dr. Anand Zingade


3.      Management of Neck in Oral Squamous cell Carcinoma, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-3, Issue-5, May 2013, Ol-3, Issue-6, June 2013. Dr. Shool Rohit S., Dr. Anand Zingade, Dr. Manish Kumar.


4.      Three-port Vs Four Port Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A Comparative Study at a Teaching Hospital of Western Maharashtra. Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research, Vol-7, Issue-7, July 2019, 762-765, Dr. Anand Zingade, Dr. Harshal Tambe.

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