Research Publication & Academic Achievements

List of Publications - 1st December 2020 to 31st December 2021

Research And Publications


1. Comparison study between moss-miami pedicular system and hartschill rectangle for spondylolysthesis.

Dr amit swamy, dr.ajit swamy, vikram jaisoliya.Archives of international surgery; ISSN: 2278-9596. July-December 2012. Issue 2. Volume 2(wolters kluwer)

2. Management of intertrochanteric fractures of femur by DHS in lateral position.

Dr. amit swamy, Dr. ajit swamy.Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences; april 29 2013.(Article 22), 849-852. ISSN 2230-7885.

3. Review of thoracolumber fracture fixation. Study of50 cases.

Dr.ajit swamy, Dr.amit swamy.Sebbah medical journal, Vol8 (2), 2009

4. Dorsal approach for dorsal complex metacarpophalangeal dislocation of index finger.

Dr. ajit swamy, Dr. amit swamy.Jordan medical journal; vol 46 (4): 347-350.

5. Open reduction and internal fixation of distal clavicle fractures.

Dr. ajit swamy, Dr. amit swamy.Journal of Dr. NTR university of health sciences 2013; 2(1):15-17

6. Interlocking nailing of femoral diaphyseal fractures; review of 47 cases

Dr. ajit swamy, Dr. amit swamy.International journal of pharmaceutical sciences invention ISSN(online)2319-6718; ISSN(Print):2319-670X Volume 2 issue 4 , april 2013, pg 20-23.

7. Study of collagen pattern in fascia transversalis of indirect inguinal hernia in 25 patients under electron microscopy.

A.P.Swamy, Dr. D. P. Pande.Indian Journal of Surgery, August issue Vol: 76.1996

8. Study of 55 patients treated with cemented total hip replacement using monoblock charnleys prosthesis.

A.P.Swamy, Dr. M.S. Diggikar.Western Journal of India. , December issue Vol: 4 1999.

9. Treatment of young avn of the hip- an experience of 25 cases.

A.P. Swamy, Dr. M.S. Diggikar, Dr. S.S.Shintre.Western Journal of India, December issue Vol: 12. 2000.

10. Study of young avn of hips treated with HA coated stems-50 patients.

A.P. Swamy.Thesis topic accepted for the MS Orthopaedic examination inDecember2000.

11. Treatment of neglected monteggia fracture with the modified Bell-Tawse Procedure.

A.P. Swamy, Dr. S.S. Shintre,.Western Journal of India, July 2001.

12. Management of Giant Cell Tumors of the knee –10 patients

A.P. Swamy, Dr. Diggikar,Western journal of India, August 2001.

13. Comparison of Vacuum Assisted Closure Therapy with Standard Wound Therapy for Open Musculoskeletal Injuries, International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, 2013; Vol. 9, Issue 2:168-170.

Ketan Gupta, Ajay Mundada, Adish Patil

14. Comparison of MRI Findings with Arthroscopy Findings in Internal Derangement of Knee, International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, 2013; Vol. 9, Issue 2:159-163. Ketan Gupta, P. N. Kulkarni, Nitin Patil

15. Case Report of Use of VAC as Adjunt of Antibiotic  Coated Nail in Treatment of Chronic Osteomyelitis.   International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2013 pp 174-175.

Nitin Patil, Ketan Gupta, Adish patil,

16. Case Report of Neglected Osteomyelitis Treated with Debridement, Bone Grafting and External Fixator, International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, 2014; Vol. 9, Issue 3:368-369.

Ketan Gupta, Nishant Gaonkar, Siddharth Shah, Kedar Jagtap, Ajay Mundada, Nirav Patel

17. To Compare Functional outcome, Complications & Results of open Reduction & Internal Fixation with Closed Reduction & External Fixation in Volar Displaced Distal Radial Fractures, Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare; Volume 2, Issue 9, March 02, 2015; Page: 1155-1167.

Ketan Gupta, Nishant Gaonkar, Kapale Jineshwar sudhir, Nirav patel, Vaibhav Koli, Sudeep Date, Aminudeen Qureshi, Gaurang Chanchpara

18. Prospective study of treatment of extraarticular fractures of distal end radius by cross K wire fixation and cast immobilisation and its comparison with Kapandji’s method of intrafocal pinning anatomically and functionally,  International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Vol.3 Issue(4): Page: 883-890

Paresh Patil, Kiran Gaonkar, Adish Patil, Nishant Gaonkar, Ketan Gupta, Nirav Patel,  Himanshu   Kulkarni

19. Recent Trend in Management of the Frozen Shoulder with Hydraulic Capsula Distension Using Normal Saline and Steroid Followed by Physiotherapy, International   Journal of Health Sciences and Research, Vol.5; Issue: 4; April 201: Page 363-367

Dr Nishant Gaonkar1, Ketan Gupta2, Channapa Mahajan1, Sudeep Date3, Aminuddin Qureshi3, Prashant Alwani3, Gaurang Chanchpara3, Yash Jain3

20. Role of arthroscopy in osteoarthritis of the knee joint, International Journal of Clinical Trials 2015 May 2(2) :38-42.

Gaonkar K, Gaonkar N, Gupta K, Patel N, Kulkarni H

21.Comparative study between dynamic hip screw &Proximal femoral nail in treatment of intertrochanteric fracture,  International Journal of orthopedics sciences2017;3 (3):628-637.Dr.Ajit swamy, Dr.Amit swamy, Dr.Aniruddha kshirsagar, Dr. Kartikeya sharma

22.Functional outcome of Discectomy for lumbar Disc Prolapse,  journal of spine Swamy et al., J spine2017,6:4. Ajit swamy,Amit swamy, Kartikeya Sharma, Aniruddha Kshirsagar

23.A study of clinical and functional outcome of primary total hip replacement in osteoarthritis of  hip, original research article DOI:10. 18231/2395.1362.2017.0047


Jayaram BS,Shivananda S, Gazanfar patel

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