List of Publications - 1st December 2020 to 31st December 2021
Sr. No | Topic | Journal | Year | Author |
1 | A retrospective evaluation of morbidity pattern and outcome of pediatric intensive care unit in tertiary care rural teaching hospital | Book Chapter Recent development in medicine and medical research vol -8 |
Oct 2021 | Ambike DA, Vijay Bhavari |
2 | Protocol for infant massage in home setting An e-delphi approach for Consensus guidance integrating traditional wisdom with with modern medicine | Journal of tropical pediatrics -2021 | July 2021 | Sarika Chaturvedi , Deepali A. Ambike et al |
3 | Symptomatic neonatal SARS- CoV-2 infection in a tertiary care teaching hospital: an observational prospective study | International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | July 2021 | Deepali A. Ambike, Sandhya V. Haribhakta, Seema Soni, Suryakant Mundlod |
4 | Clinical picture of covid 19 in children ,Rarity of covid toes or hand | British journal of medical and health research Pediatrics Indexed | May 2021 | Deepali A. Ambike |
5 | A prospective review of maternal and perinatal outcome in a tertiary care rural teaching hospital | Medical journal of Dr D Y Patil University I | April 2021 | Suryakant Mundlod, Deepali A. Ambike |
6 | Wilson disease an unusual presentation – A | Indian journal of basic and applied medical research | March 2021 | Deepali A. Ambike, Sabhat Ahmed |
7 | A rare case of Omphalocele ,Exstrophy of bladder ,,imperforated anus and spinal defect complex with genital Anomalies in a term Neonate | Pediatric on call journal | Jan-2021 | Seema Soni, Deepali Ambike |
8 | Rare Vasculitis in Childhood-Juvenile Polyarteritis Nodosa | International Journal of Dental and Medical Specialty | Volume 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2021 pp 78-80 | Varvatte B, Rajput U, Kiruthiga A, Shinde M, Kulkarni R |
9 | Epidemiologic Al And Clinical Profile Of Non Covid 19Patients Admitted To Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Of A Tertiary Care Referral Centre During Covid 19 Pandemic | Indian journal applied research | Volume - 11 | Issue - 09 | September - 2021 | Shalini GN, Deshmukh I, Kulkarni R, Kinikar A |
10 | Clinical Profile, Hospital Course and Outcome of Pediatric patients with COVID 19 during Second Wave Admitted to a Tertiary Care Centerin Western Maharashtra, India | IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences | Volume 20, Issue 9 Ser.4 (Septembe r. 2021), PP 03-09 | Uday R Rajesh Kulkarni, Chhaya Valvi, Aarti Kinikar |
11 | Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on routine childhood immunization services during lockdown and post lockdown in a tertiary care centre of Western Maharashtra, India | IOSR Journal Of Dental and Medical Sciences | Volume 20, Issue 7 Ser.15 (July. 2021), PP 60-66 | Dawre R, Rajesh Kulkarni Aarti Kinikar |
12 | Aetiology, Clinical profile and Predictor of adverse outcome amongst children with acute Flaccid Paralysis admitted to a tertiary care teaching hospital. | Indian Journal of Basic and applied medical Research | Volume 10 Issue 1 Dec 2020 | Anagha Kulkarni, Ninad Patil, Rajesh Kulkarni , Harshali Vankar |
13 | Rare associaltion of Neimann-pick Disease with Adrenal Calcification and coomb’s positive Haemolytic Anaemia | Global Journal for research analysis | Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan 2021 | Anagha Kulkarni , Rajesh Kulkari , Aarti kinikar , Uday Rajput |
14 | Tropical Pyomyositis in a child at tertiary care centre | Global Journal for research analysis | Volume 9 Issue 8 Aug 2020 | Arati M Gade, Somenra Sonteke , Aarti kinikar , Uday Rajput, Rajesh Kulkarni |
15 | Hematological Profile of Covid-19 in Children | IOSR Journal Of Dental and Medical Sciences | Volume 20, Issue 7 Ser.11 (July. 2021), PP 28-34 | Das A, Sonkawade N, Valvi C, Kulkarni R, Kinikar A |
16 | Early-onset symptomatic neonatal COVID-19 infection with high probability of vertical transmission | Pubmed International | (2021) 49:339–34 3 | Kulkarni R, Rajput U, Dawre R, Kinikar A |
17 | A Rare Case of Factor XIII Deficiency Presenting with Scrotal Hematoma in an Adolescent | Indian Pediatrics Case Reports | 2021;1:5-7 | Rajesh K. Kulkarni, Sagar Vartak, Niharika Karandikar, Aarti Kinikar |
18 | Delayed Development of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in an Adolescent Following Electrocution | Pediatric Oncall | January2021 Pediatric On Call 18 (3) | Kulkarni R, Vartak S, Sonkawade N, Kinikar A |
19 | The spectrum of aeroallergen sensitization in children with wheeze at a tertiary care centre – A Prospective Observational Study | Med pulse international journal of pediatrics | March 2021;17(3) :44-48. Date 20 March 2021 | Lalit Unema Seema Soni |
20 | Hearing evaluation in high risk neonates at tertiary care teaching hospital | Med pulse international journal of pediatrics | May 2021;18(2) :24-26. Date 01 May 2021 | Seema Soni Kaustubh Kahane |
21 | Case series of megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency in a tertiary care teaching hospital | Indian Journal Of Applied Research | October 2021; Volume - 11/Issue- 10/Page 31- 33 | Seema Soni, Sandhya Haribhakta, Deepali Ambike |
22 | Growth Failure With Hemihypertrophy | Pediatric on call Journal | Oct-Dec 2021, Volume 18,Issue 4: Page 136- 137 | Seema Soni, Komal Bijarniya, Deepali Ambike |
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